Dr. Vincent Masson, Cosmetic surgeon in Paris
This website is an information resource for patients developed by Doctor Masson, holder of the DESC in Plastic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery, an internationally recognized specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery registered with the Council of the Order of Physicians of Paris (75/80040).
All cosmetic surgery procedures are carried out for your safety in establishments and clinics class A approved by the Ministry of Health. Cabinet plaine monceau, 10 rue de la Terrasse, 75017 Paris.
Read the blog for all the essential news and latest trends for 2020 in surgery and aesthetic medicine.

Dr. Masson’s office is the very first in Paris to be equipped with 4D Eve 4.0 scanner technology. When you come for a consultation for breast augmentation or breast lipofilling you will be able to use augmented reality to discover how your new breasts will look.
Placed 25th out of more than 7000 candidates at the internship competition, Dr. Masson was appointed intern at the Public Hospitals of Paris, valedictorian in plastic surgery. Gold Medal in Surgery, teacher at the Faculty of Medicine, surgeon attached to the Saint-Louis Hospital and former Head of Clinic, he was trained in all the best cosmetic surgery services in Paris and the largest Parisian university hospital services in both reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery.
He has been performing plastic surgery for over 10 years. You can consult the site map at any time to access an overview of the information on the website.
Do you live in the French provinces or another country and wish to benefit from Dr. Masson’s expertise ✈️ Read more here.
Trained in all the best modern, reliable and safe cosmetic surgery techniques, Dr. Masson operates his patients himself, personally provides post-operative follow-up, and is always available to advise you in order to obtain a natural result whilst minimizing the potential risks linked to a procedure.

Aesthetic and plastic surgery
Facial surgery
Breast surgery
Body surgery
Intimate surgery
Botulinum toxin injections
Reconstructive surgery
Due to the current health crisis linked to Coronavirus and in application of the recommendations of the official governing bodies and surgical societies (SOFCPRE, SOFCEP, Plastirisq, SNCPRE) please read the information on this page.

- 10 rue de la Terrasse
75017 Paris - 01 44 71 02 18
- 06 11 13 27 80
Before and after photos of surgery carried out by Dr. Masson.

Doctor Vincent Masson is a cosmetic surgeon in Paris, former head of clinic and gold medal winner in surgery, international specialist in breast surgery (breast augmentation by implants by dual plane technique, breast ptosis correction, breast reduction, breast lipofilling, breast reconstruction, malformations, asymmetry), body surgery (abdominoplasty, abdominal mini-plasty, liposuction, buttocks, arms, thighs, calves, arm lift, saddle bags), face surgery (mini-lifting, face lift, nose surgery, eyelids surgery, upper lip lift, rhinoplasty, ear surgery for protruding ears), aesthetic medicine injections (hyaluronic acid, Botox), men’s cosmetic surgery (penoplasty, gynecomastia, pectoral implants etc.) and intimate surgery (nymphoplasty , hymenoplasty, vaginoplasty). Find the information you need on aesthetic medicine, see before and after photos of the results of Dr. Masson’s patients, prices for the different plastic surgery operations in Paris, information on restorative surgery, cosmetic surgery, hospitalization, incisions, scars, anesthesia, breast implant placement and answers to all the other questions you have.
Top clinics and hospitals
All the establishments where Dr Masson Vincent performs cosmetic and plastic surgery feature in the Le Point ranking of the best hospitals and clinics in France. The Clinique Blomet and the Clinique Eiffel are certified level A by the HAS. Hôpital Saint-Louis is ranked 1st in France for breast surgery.